Is this a new Calvin (a la "Calvin & Hobbes") waiting to happen, or what?!? Just look at that mischievous smile. I think we're in for trouble in a year or two!
Random musings from a Family Medicine resident.
How Can I Pray?
How can I pray "our" if I live only for myself?
How can I pray "Father" if I do not act like his child?
How can I pray "who are in Heaven" if I am laying up no treasures there?
How can I pray "hallowed be Thy name" if I don't care about being holy myself?
How can I pray "Thy kingdom come" if I live for my kingdom, power, and wealth?
How can I pray "Thy will be done" if I disobey His word?
How can I pray "on earth as it is in heaven" if I will not serve him here and now?
How can I pray "give us... our daily bread" if I am dishonest or unwilling to share what I have with others?
How can I pray "forgive us our debts" if I nurture resentment against another?
How can I pray "lead us not into temptation" if I willingly place myself in its path?
How can I pray "deliver us from evil" if I refuse to put on all of God's armor?
How can I pray "Thine is the kingdom" if my life does not reflect his lordship?
How can I pray "Thine is the... power" if I fear what people may do?
How can I pray "Thine is the... glory" if I seek honor for myself?
How can I pray "forever" if my life is bounded only by the things of time?
-adapted from "Alone with God" by John MacArthur, Jr.
If I were asked, without time to give the question much thought, to name the greatest political virtues, I should reply, ‘Prudence and a sense of proportion.’ A New Jerusalem could not be built of these virtues, of course, but neither could a Hell on Earth; and since Hells on Earth are two a penny in human history, but New Jerusalems are infrequently encountered in it, to say the least, there is much to be said in presumption of those admittedly tepid and unexciting qualities.