Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Copenhagen Smokinhagen Part 2

The Copenhagen summit did not meet it's goal of a worldwide agreement to fight "climate change"... maybe because not everyone agrees?? Just found a good article in The Daily Mail about what I mentioned last post. From the article:

The Copenhagen summit, supposed to produce an agreement limiting greenhouse gases, has, according to experts, the same carbon footprint as a medium-sized African country such as Malawi.

There are an amazing 34,000 delegates attending the event, and the grander among them are forced, says my colleague Robert Hardman in Copenhagen, to park their private jets in Norway because Denmark has run out of Tarmac, and to procure their gas-guzzling limousines from Germany.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1236497/STEPHEN-GLOVER-50-days-save-world-I-listen-doomsayers-werent-ludicrous-hypocrites.html#ixzz0aPDgWvVB

So what are we to make of all the fuss? Time to start walking the talk.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Copenhagen Smokinhagen

So the largest ever climate conference finished up, and all they came up with was a document saying "we'll take note" and might do something about it?!???

Let me get this straight. How many days, and how many delegates (and assistants, and assistants to the assistants of the delegates), and private jets, and motorcades, and heated hotel rooms, and purified water in plastic bottles (made thanks to the oil sands, by the way! but they should clean up their act too), and at the end of it all:

"Climate change?"
"Well wha' do ya wanna do?"
"I don't know, wha' do you wanna do?"
"I don't know. Hey, now don't start tha' game again."

(remember the vultures from the Jungle Book cartoon???)

Here's a thought: why don't we start living responsibly?? You know, shut off extra lights, waste less, car pool (or plane-pool for those big wigs), give to charity, and maybe ask for a little corporate responsibility...

Oh, right. We're in a morally relativistic society. I can't tell you what to do, because what's right for me isn't necessarily right for you.

Garbage. A bunch of garbage. And smoke. In Copenhagen. Smokinhagen. Unfortunately, garbage is one thing we're not short of.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

There's a website that tracks (based on customer reviews) the Christmas-friendliness or offensiveness of retail stores during Christmas time. Basically how "politically correct" are they trying to be?? And seriously, what's politically incorrect about saying "Christmas"?? I mean, c'mon, everyone knows it's called Christmas, so what's the big deal?

The site is Stand for Christmas.
Some of the big winners:
- Bass Pro Shops - 98% Christmas friendly
- Cabela's - 95%, never heard of this place... although I'm not the biggest shopper...
- Land's End - 89%

And the big losers:
- the Gap - 82% Christmas-offensive
- Best Buy - 77%, and I think their commercials are ridiculous anyways
- Banana Republic - 75%

Check it out for yourself and read the reviews... then hit those malls!!!
Ha! Better yet, check out Compassion, or World Vision, or your local Pregnancy Care Centre. Gifts can be made "in honor of", and often they'll give you a card to write to the receiver. Those gifts leave a much more lasting impact... seen it first hand. Amazing.