This, from Alberta ProLife:
Abortion is something we would like to wish away.
The fact is abortion is a business. You and I, as taxpayers, are on the hook for between $6 and $8 million each year. That’s what it costs to abort over 12,000* little ones in Alberta-each year. The provincial government says it only funds “abortions that are medically necessary.” In fact, it pays for all the abortions performed in the province, whether at hospitals or private clinics.
The truth is abortion is an act of violence that destroys people’s lives. In 2004 almost 40% of all abortions were repeat procedures (performed on women who have obtained a previous abortion). Less than 5% of all abortions are performed to protect the mother’s health or life.
The fact is the majority of Albertans polled over the past 15 years oppose tax-funded abortion.
The time has come to de-fund abortion.
Helpmake it happen.
This is a grassroots campaign to de-fund abortion in Alberta.
Give financially or volunteer your time or expertise.
Campaign to De-fund Abortion in Alberta
Box 11479 Edmonton, AB T5J 3K5
or e-mail
You can call us at 1-877-880-5433.
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* Reference: Alberta Reproductive Health: Pregnancies and Births Surveillance Report 2009
I'm interested to know what your medical responsibility/duty is when faced with a patient who wants one. Must you?
Negative. As a doctor, I've sworn to do no harm, and to work for my patients' best interests. There is a large amount of evidence that abortion does more harm than good for the mother, and obviously, for the baby as well, who is also my patient. Some may dispute this, but I believe my position has much more support than the opposite.
There is a curious double standard when it comes to abortion... we are taught that when a pregnant woman enters our office, we are treating 2 patients - the mother and the unborn baby... except when it comes to abortion, in which case, the mom is our only patient. I believe this double standard is unacceptable.
But, that's not to say I leave a woman seeking abortion totally stranded. I will not promote or refer for abortion, however I will take care of her regardless of her choice. I would clearly explain where I stand and be supportive in whatever other way possible, such as suggesting several supportive agencies/organizations.
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