A fairly healthy looking guy in his mid-50's came in with sudden blindness in one of his eyes. Sure he had diabetes, but it wouldn't cause vision problems like that. Turns out he had been battling lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) earlier this year, and had a mass removed in his forehead 9 months ago...
His CT Scan of his head looked a little like this (but not esophageal cancer):

So, how do you tell a middle-aged guy he has cancer in his brain?
How do you tell him his 6 months of chemotherapy didn't work?
How do you tell him his stem-cell transplant didn't work?
How do you tell him his time is limited, he's going to die?
With grace and truth, I hope.
"It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." -Heb 9:27.
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