Friday, October 30, 2009

Medispeak Multiple Choice

During my studies and reading, I come across some interesting words. Some medical terms that have a funny ring to them. Here's a few, and this list doesn't even include muscles! Can you guess what they mean?? How many can you use in regular conversation??

1 - Borborygmi
2 - Gubernaculum
3 - Hematochezia
4 - Melena
5 - Uvula
6 - Obstipation
7 - Verruca vulgaris
8 - Astrocytoma
9 - Xanthelasma
10 - Tophus

Possible answers:
A - soft tissue projection from the middle posterior edge of the soft palate, ie: the dangly thing at the back of your throat.
B - cholesterol deposits in the skin, often around the eyelids
C - rumbling or gurgling of the intestines, from movement of fluid and gas; stomach growling
D - dark or black sticky tar-like poop, contains partially digested blood
E - severe or complete constipation, not passing any gas
F - reddish-maroon poop, from bleeding in the colon
G - star-shaped brain tumor
H - folds of peritoneum (abdominal cavity lining) that attach to the gonads during development in the womb
I - large lump of uric acid deposits under the skin, often over the elbow, occuring in people with gout
J - the common wart

1-C; 2-H; 3-F; 4-D; 5-A; 6-E; 7-J; 8-G; 9-B; 10-I

0-3 right answers = this quiz gave you obstipation?
4-6 right answers = take care of your borborygmi, then hit the books
7-8 right answers = no xanthelasmas blocking your view
9-10 right answers = genius! you can diagnose astrocytomas